Like any industry that involves various products there are always shifts and changes with some products or styles becoming extremely popular over a period of time. This then leads to new products being released that causes another shift and so the circle continues with only the core classic products consistently selling whilst others have their 5 minutes of fame and then end up being rebooted or redesigned in order to boost sales.
So, what is hot right now in the Window and Door Industry?
Flush Sash Windows
Considered by some to be the future PVCu Windows, Flush Sash Windows are a beautiful and elegant window that can fit seamlessly into most properties. They are clean cut and good-looking windows with a variety of options when it comes to materials, finishes and colours. These have become extremely popular in recent months and it looks like this trend is set to continue.
Recycling of Materials
Recycling is not a new discovery by any means but the industry has been poor at recycling over the years and now it looks like the industry in general is taking steps to correct this. Products such as PVCu windows and doors are now being recycled and used to create more windows and doors rather than being thrown away when they are done with. This is fantastic news that will help our industry to become greener in the future and more sustainable.
Smart Tech
Smart Tech isn’t extremely popular as of yet, but things are changing and moving forward at an incredible rate in this day and age and smart tech looks like it will be one of the products to benefit from this. Smart tech includes anything from fingerprint recognition on doors to home management systems which are already out there for all to see. As these systems start being mass produced and the price lowers we can see smart tech becoming hugely popular within the industry.
For more information on any of the above, a quote for a home improvement project or for some free advice contact us on 01278 420475 or email
Credit – Double Glazing Blogger
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