When you own a property, you know that security is absolutely vital when it comes to protecting all of the valuable items within your home. So, our question is, do you know the signs of a chink in your armour? Some signs are obvious and are easy for all to see such as a broken window, whilst others don’t look like they could cause to much of an issue until it’s too late!
In today’s blog, we are going to look at 3 different issues that can result in your doors security being compromised.
The Door Keeps Jamming When Shutting.
If the door keeps jamming whilst it is shut, there is a clear issue with the core section of the door and you should get it seen to as soon as possible as it can become extremely vulnerable, resulting in an easy entrance for any potential no-do-gooders who are looking to get into your home. This issue can be easily fixed by a reputable window and door specialist like our good selves at Countrywide Windows.
The Door Has Dropped
If your door has dropped it means there is a problem with the hinges. They are either on their way out, or they have already gone. This is a big issue for any door and leaves it extremely susceptible to break ins. Depending on how bad the damage is, this can either be fixed or in worst case situations the hinges or door may need to be replaced.
Faulty Locking Mechanism
If the locking mechanism of a door plays up, often jams or takes two or three attempts to lock then you need to get your door seen to straight away. This is one of the worst situations as a homeowner you can find yourself in as it only takes one time for the lock to fail when you leave the house and your home is essentially open for anyone who wants to walk in.
At Countrywide Windows, we are a local installer who has over 15 years’ worth of experience in the fenestration and construction industry. Doors are our bread and butter and whether it is a routine fix or a replacement we will have the service and product for you.
If you need our help contact us today on 01278 420475 or email vince@countrywidewindows.net
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